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Freedom Solutions negotiates with local, long distance, WAN, DIA internet, audio conferencing and webinar providers, to ensure our customers receive the best possible pricing, as well as, additional support and resources. No matter which provider you select, FSG will act as your telecom service and support team. FSG is about helping you select the best telecom service provider to meet your needs and, as always, we examine as many options as possible before bringing recommendations to a client.

Service Providers

We use a wide variety of providers for voice services, from traditional phone companies like Verizon and ATT to CLECs such as Windstream and XO. These providers support services from POTS lines to Enterprise SIP and call center services. As well, the internet providers include Tier 1 along with lit building and niche providers with data speed from T1 and DSL and GigE and Wavelength services. We can also support wireless internet and diverse access to satisfy your business needs.

FSG can recommend the best suited audio conferencing or webinar provider option for you- drawing from all the available audio and webinar providers- from PGI and Intercall to ATT, Level 3, Verizon, WebEx, Microsoft Live Meeting and Adobe.

Collocation and Hosting requirements vary widely, as do the offerings depending on the provider. Some only offer space and power while others include management alternatives from remote hands to providing and maintaining hardware. FSG looks at all the options from national data centers with global facilities to carrier neutral centers (both regional and national) to help you target and assess the solution that meets your needs. Unlike collocation only providers, our solutions include options to connect to the services maintained in the facility, to ensure the best solution for your business.

No matter what application or service you are looking for, FSG assures you that we will scour the market to find the best for you.

   FSG will:

  • Examine your current network services, applications and review a needs assessment

  • Summarize new options

  • Make recommendations

  • Implement the chosen solution

  • Provide on-going maintenance and customer service escalations

  • Reviews and discussions about future products and services

Voice network Image


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